Earlier, at the E3 exhibition, the B company launched the VR experience of "Radiation 4", and players are also very much looking forward to the official VR. Recently, B. executive Todd Howard said in an interview that B is trying VR games and trying to bring "Radiation 4" to the VR platform. "This will be a huge virtual world in VR games. The core experience is that as long as the player wears the device, he can stand in the world of radiation and go wherever you want," Howard said. He believes that the size and potential sales of the VR market are not really a problem. "We have the opportunity to do something very unique, rather than developing a small version of the experience that I don't have. I don't think this is the VR game that people want." Howard said, "The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim" is one of the most successful games in Bethesda's RPG world, and these game worlds can actually attract a large number of players outside the regular game fans. “The work we do in the game is very different from the traditional RPG game, but we can provide our own gaming experience, which is most important to us: throwing players into a world, and then they can do whatever they want. I think this is the biggest way to entertain the game. Silicone Bowl,Silicone Mixing Bowls,Silicone Collapsible Bowl,Silipint Bowls MeMe Baby Product (GZ) LLC , https://www.kupbo.com