Talking about the price system of the treadmill brand: There are many brands of treadmills for sale. When we choose this product, generally speaking, our first concern is its product price. Because we know that when different brands of products are sold, its price will be different. Generally speaking, some of the more well-known products that are sold abroad are higher in price. And some of our treadmill brands that are produced in China are relatively cheap when it comes to sales. And the functionality we can enjoy when we make a purchase is not the same. You will find that even if it is a different treadmill, the running feeling that he can find for us during the sales process will be different. Because it is in production, because of its different production processes, we will find that when we exercise on a treadmill, it will feel different. Generally speaking, some treadmills produced by well-known brands will be more comfortable in running. There are some treadmills with relatively poorer quality, though he is cheaper to sell. But in the process of running above, his feelings will be different. So we will find that treadmill brand is different, its price is different, and our enjoyment is not the same. Everyone can purchase treadmill brands based on their economic strength and their running feelings. And it's best to do a little exercise on each brand's product to ensure that you can choose the most comfortable treadmill brand product when you buy a treadmill. Recommended reading: What brand of treadmill is good Is treadmill weight loss effective? How much is a treadmill? Which brand is the most affordable How to run a billion health treadmill, the quality is good Spinning bikes and treadmills are good for weight loss AUTRENDS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ,