The world's first bakeable CPET soft film packaged into the oven without unpacking


Faerch Plast introduced the world's first bakeable CPET flexible film package. This latest innovation allows consumers to place products directly into the oven or microwave without having to remove the current packaging or contact with raw food, which can provide significant health benefits.

According to the general manager of Faerch Plast -

"These baked flexible packagings are truly revolutionary. With this special SkinCook top net package from Bemis Flexible Packaging, it means that they can be cooked directly from a refrigerated or frozen state without being opened in any way.

“This package also increases consumer appeal, shelf space efficiency and provides maximum protection of the product in transit and in-store. For conventional ovens, cooking time is reduced by 20%, for microwave ovens, cooking time is reduced by 40%, and There will be no unsightly gravy. In addition, the shelf life of the product is significantly increased, helping to reduce food waste."

The company has partnered with ABP and Bemis Flexible Packaging to develop lightweight and bakeable packaging that has significant barrier and strength properties and offers many benefits to processors, retailers and consumers -

● You can remove the soft-packed meat products directly from the freezer or refrigerated cabinet without opening the package, which facilitates safe and simple oven baking or microwave cooking, and can extend the shelf life of the meat, which can be baked Soft film packaging will help reduce the risk of contamination (for example, from Campylobacter) because consumers do not need to handle raw food.

● Meat or poultry products are securely held in place for display, which enhances the shelf life of the product. In addition, this baked soft film package will further enhance the attractiveness and brand recognition from the side.

● Using special tools, this baked soft film wrap can form a contoured top net to wrap larger products such as chicken pieces and meat protruding from the edge of the tray.

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Car Seats

As Baby grows from infant to toddler, what they need from their car seats will change. Your child`s age, weight & height determine the right seat for their safety.

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Car Seat Safety Tips

1. As children grow, the type of car seat they use will change. It`s important to check your child`s fit and the car seat installation regularly.

2. Before installing your car seat , it's important to make sure it fits your child. Selection of car seats or boosters should be based on your child's age, weight, height and developmental level.

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