In the first 3 months after birth, the most common form of flat head syndrome is the infant. During this period, the infant spends most of his or her time sleeping. The baby skull is particularly soft and develops very quickly. Ordinary baby mattresses are flat and lack scientific softness, which can easily cause baby's head to produce flat and oblique deformities. Flathead syndrome can affect the appearance of infants and young children; resulting in infants and young children uneven development of the optic nerve, resulting in infants and young children on both sides of the head muscle tissue development is not balanced, resulting in infants and young children mental development is relatively slow. Therefore, the deformation of the skull, will damage the normal structure of the brain, affecting the development of brain capacity, severe deformity will make infants and young children lack of brain capacity, harm the normal development of intelligence. Tips Affected by the "sleeping culture", the incidence of flat head syndrome in China is much higher than in other countries. A survey showed that the incidence of flat head syndrome in China is as high as 80%. Need not need to give the baby "to sleep flat" Sometimes it has become a problem of the mother-in-law PK, there is no need for a match, the wise mother must believe in science, choose science, protect the baby's natural head shape. Ningbo XISXI E-commerce Co., Ltd ,