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PS version (KRP) United States Kodak 1030 × 770 × 0.3 (mm) sheets 55.00
PS version (KRP) United States Kodak 510 × 400 × 0.15 (mm) sheets 15.00
PS version (KRP) United States Kodak 1030 × 800 × 0.3 (mm) sheets 56.00
PS version (KRP) United States Kodak 745 × 605 × 0.3 (mm) Zhang 31.00
Protective rubber United States Kodak 5 liters branch 462.00
Positive revision pen Germany CIP3 (large) Support 60.00
Positive revision pen Germany CIP3 (middle) Support 41.00
Positive revision pen Germany CIP3 (small) Support 41.00
Super Blue Mesh Superblue 6/Pack (for boot) 2932.00
Bottom paper (m) Germany Marks 1030 × 795 × 0.1 (mm) Zhang 12.20
Cannon Paper (Brown) Germany Marks 1030×795×0.15 (mm) Zhang 18.30
Cannon bottom paper (green) Germany Marks 1030×795×0.2(mm) sheets 23.80
Bottom paper (gold) Germany Marks 1030 × 795 × 0.25 (mm) Zhang 32.70
Cannon Bottom (Yellow) Germany Marks 1030 × 795 × 0.3 (mm) Zhang 39.84
Bottom paper Germany Marks 1030×795×0.4(mm) sheets 50.40
Bottom paper Germany Marks 1030 × 795 × 0.5 (mm) Zhang 55.40
Ink Malaysia Post Blue kilogram ink Malaysia Post Black kilogram ink Japan Superdot vacuum packaging 360 yuan / set of bucket water FS-12 Foshan Superdot 25l / barrel bucket 1200.00
Rotary water bucket bucket Foshan Superdot 25l/ barrel barrel 750.00
Car wash water WHP-11 Foshan Superdot 20l barrel pail 780.00
Watering Australia Superdot 5l/Cans 400.00
Staining cream Australia Superdot 506.00
Color Cream Australia Superdot 201.00
Tape Reducing Agent Australia Superdot 508.00
Anti-Drying Agent Australia Superdot 400ml 36.00
Printer Care Set Australia Superdot Case 1056.00
Jie Ban Fluid Australia Superdot Branch 106.00
Dusting SD-35 Australia Superdot 1kg bag 48.00
Dusting Australia Superdot 1kg bag 68.00
The ink shovel Germany Superdot 4 color support 160.00
Cannon film Germany Technoplast 1030×710×0.35 (mm) sheets 370.00
Cannon film Germany Technoplast 1030×710×0.3 (mm) sheets 334.00
Imposition glue UK Huber branch 169.00
C53 Film Control R14 Switzerland Kodak Article 180.00
Q55 print control step ruler T14 Switzerland Kodak article 180.00
Knife Germany Polar 36.5in Article 14.28
Knife Germany Polar 45.5in Article 16.68
Knife Germany Polar 54in Article 20.88
Knife Germany Polar 61.5in Article 23.52
Blade Germany Polar 1390×160×13.75 tablets 7822.80
Rubber Blanket France Rollin 1050×1.95 sqm 810.00
Rubber Blanket France Rollin 682×1.95 Square Meter 810.00
Blanket France Rollin 962×1.95 sq. m. 810.00
Ink Malaysia Post Yellow Kilogram 260 Yuan/Set Ink Malaysia Post Red Kilogram
China Printing Materials Corporation Equipment Division Heidelberg Division
Address: Printing Equipment Supermarket, No. 2 East Ma Lian Road, Xuanwu District, Beijing
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