Corrugated roller wear causes


The use of corrugating rollers is a process of constant wear. In addition to the accuracy, hardness, and abrasion resistance of the corrugating roll itself, the cause of wear is the following:
1. Influence of base paper and products (1) Corrugated paper containing sand content. The greater the sand content, the greater the abnormal wear of the corrugating roller.
(2) The type and weight of corrugated paper. The smaller the crucible type, the heavier the gram weight, the faster the normal wear of the corrugating roller.
(3) Frequently produced paper webs, ie wide and narrow production ratios. The more narrow-width production, the greater the middle wear of the corrugating roller, the easier it is to prematurely cause the concave surface of the roller, so the condition should be as narrow as possible to produce the two ends of the corrugating roller.
2, the impact of equipment (1) the impact of equipment operating speed. Under the same conditions, the normal wear of corrugating rollers at high speeds is faster than at low speeds.
(2) The effect of equipment rigidity quality. The rigidity of the equipment is not enough and the vibration is violent, which will cause the corrugating roll to wear abnormally.
(3) Impact of equipment processing accuracy. The processing accuracy of the equipment is not enough, causing the corrugating roll to run abnormally and causing severe wear.
(4) Insufficient accuracy of parts and transmission parts or failure of the damage causes wear of the corrugating roller due to abnormal operation.
3. Influence of human factors (1) The alignment of the shaft line between the rollers is not parallel, causing partial wear of the corrugating roller.
(2) Excessive pressure or unevenness overloads or unevenly wears the corrugating roller.
(3) There is no pressure relief when the corrugated roller is running, causing unnecessary friction and wear of the corrugated roller.
(4) Failure to properly lubricate the shaft of the corrugating roller causes abnormal wear on the roller surface.
(5) The foreign material bites into the surface of the roll and rolls off the dents of the roller surface of the corrugating roll.
(6) When grinding the ends of the corrugating roll with emery grinding to reduce the concave, the running-in breaks the cylindricity and corrugated type of the roll.

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