The Americas Star Award, which was reviewed by the Association of Packaging Experts, is the longest and widest packaging award in this field. The review process is also very special. Over the years, consumers' personal experience has been an important factor. FarmhouseCulture Sauerkraut Stand Bag Packaging Several products are particularly noteworthy in this award-winning package. We first look at the largest market - food and beverage packaging. The FarmhouseCulture sauerkraut stand pouch packaging launched by ProAmpac (Cincinnati, Ohio) won a prize in frozen food category. The sauerkraut requires a vent. After redesign, ProAmpac installed a single leak-proof exhaust valve on a soft, reclosable stand-up pouch. A sealed chain that can be closed by pressing allows the consumer to put the leftover kimchi back into the refrigerator without having to pour it out and put it in another container. The back of this stand-up pouch has a small transparent window, and consumers can see the product inside before purchasing. HiddenValley Brand Dip&PourCups Clorox’s Hidden Valley-branded Dip&PourCups for Snapsil (Huntington Beach, USA) received a food storage-resistant award. The lid of this disposable cup is a peelable film that reduces food waste. Through this package, consumers can try out a variety of flavors without having to buy a whole bottle and risk unappetizing after unpacking. The judgement of the American Star also greatly appreciated the shape and image of each package, allowing consumers to clearly identify the differences in each flavor. Unlike the existing Hidden Valley brand DipCups, Dip&PourCups features not only a peelable lid, but also the patented Snapsil dumping feature. In addition, the Dip&PourCups tray has an automatic bottom platform that makes this disposable cup look as high as the Hidden ValleyRanch standard bottle. Grab&Go stacked packaging Another package that won the Food Storage Award is GoodFood's Grab&Go packaging. The introduction of this stacked package has once again escalated the competition for highly competitive disposable food packaging. The packaging itself is divided into two layers, the upper one is the cup that holds the potato chips, and the lower one is the cup that holds the sauce. In order to reduce the risk of pathogen contamination, the packaging is sealed after filling and sealing the film, and the sauce cup is subjected to high pressure processing. The potato chips cup is filled and sealed on another machine, and then the two cups are snapped together and sealed with a shrink film label. This thermoformed cup is made from a 30 mil PET recycled material. The material has high transparency, recyclability and hardness and can be processed by high pressure. Clasper portable cocktail bottle The Clasper bottle technology of PlasticTechnologies (Holland, OH) combined two PET containers and a shrink label to win the award for alcoholic beverage packaging. The first commercial application of this new technology was the launch of the Yumix portable cocktail, which has a bottom container filled with 50 ml of high-grade wine. The body of the bottle is filled with 6.5 ounces of hot-filled juice and the top is a 38-mm PP lid. , Internally sealed by aluminum foil. The visually appealing look is enhanced by the pattern's shrinkable label, and the instructions are written on the label. In use, the consumer can easily separate the shrink sleeve label through the gap between the top and bottom containers, and separate the bottom container from the bottle body through the perforation, and remove the top seal and the bottom cover respectively. When you pour wine into juice, you prepare a quick cocktail. Clasper's concept is to put two different products together in a clever packaging that can be consumed separately or mixed together for drinking. HealthcarePackaging Conditioner Packaging This product, which received the Health and Beauty Packaging Award, fuses an injection molded vacuum tube with an eye-catching in-mold label in a bottle. John Frieda SheerBlonde's hair care products use the packaging provided by Healthcare Packaging (Toronto, Canada). Fully-printed packaging surfaces and matte films prevent scratches. The redesigned pull-tabs are even more modest than ever, including a hot stamped pull tab and two evacuated cold water drain holes. Tube made of PP, 100% recyclable The judges of the American Star Packing Contest judged more than 80 packages, and the awards set 12 category awards, 4 student awards and the top three American Star awards. Nearly 20 reviewers from the sub-sectors of the packaging industry assessed the short-listed products this year. The evaluation criteria included packaging innovation, product protection, economy, performance, market sales, and impact on the environment. Mobile Flipchart Star Base,Aluminum Easel,Professional Flipchart Easel,Mobile And Versatile Magnetic Whiteboard Dongguan Aoxing Audio Visual Equipment CO.,Ltd ,
Five plastic packaging won the "American Star Award"
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