Transcend Super Large-format Quantum plate-making machine, using square laser imaging, accurate machine-to-machine register technology. The device includes all the advantages of the Quansheng Super Large-format Plate Making Machine. The three characteristics of the box product are as follows. 1 Providing Accurate and Repeatable Printing for Printing Plants Quansheng Super Large Format Quantum Platesetter uses squarespot thermal imaging technology to reduce production costs by reducing plate preparation time and waste. Square spot thermal imaging technology helps to maintain accurate data from beginning to end, eliminating the printing problems caused by dot gain. 2 Strict control of the color of the box printing process, which can reproduce the finest part The Quansheng Super Large-format Quantum Plate Maker features the advantages of staccato's Stellar FM screening, which produces high-fidelity images that reproduce the finest parts, eliminates halftone screening rose spots, moiré, greyscale and Restrictions and tonal transitions have no effect on RIP and copy time. Vision Plus FM screening reduces the number of network expansion, wet embossing variables and paper on color reproduction. The nature of the random distribution of the Fantasy FM outlets determines that even a slight overprint error will not degrade the appearance quality of the halftone image and will not cause the overall color cast of the print. In order to improve the positioning and registration on the printing press, the province's super-large format Quantum plate maker uses a unique temperature compensation system to adjust the impact of changes in the ambient temperature and correct the thermal expansion and contraction of the printing plate. Even though the largest size plate can be produced with full predictability and highest accuracy, the temperature compensation system also reduces the number of scrap and re-plates.
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