Surfing Tips


The gameplay of surfing is different from that of the equipment. Its racing and playing both emphasize speed and cornering skills. The difference is that the former is a straight race, and most of them are conducted under extremely strong wind conditions. Fancy play is generally done in the crushing area or flat water area, such as flip, jump, fancy-sail and air steering, etc. This kind of play is more difficult and dangerous.

At present, the straight line speed in the world is 94km/h, and the average speed of the average player is about 40~50km/h, and the district lane is used to race around the buoy.

In addition to speed, stability, cornering, and angles are all attractive areas, and because the waters of racing and winding roads are mostly less-worn environments, if players do not fall into the water, they are less likely to be created. Injury or equipment damage occurred.

In addition, the rules of play in the fancy and wave areas are completely different, and fancy play is generally done in the crushing area or in the flat water area, such as flips, jumps, fancy sails, and air steering. The difficulty and danger of this type of play are relatively high. There must be a certain degree to learn, and it is best to have special guidance. Otherwise, people and equipment are easily injured.

Lang District's gameplay is a more different area. From the basic over-the-wave, wave-front, to the next waves, waves, leaps, flips, waves and 360o flip, etc., each action requires a high degree of skill .

The players who play roughboards in Langlang must have already had a certain basis for surfing. They also need to be aware of the analysis of currents, tides, terrain, and waves. Otherwise, it will be difficult to enter the situation. Surfing is the same as other sports. The study must also be gradual.

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