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Miqili pushes label and packaging industry electrostatic control and coil cleaning solutions
At the European Label Expo in Brussels in late September this year , Mickey UK will present its latest coil cleaning system and the Hyperion Series Static Elimination Sticks, which will show the label market customers that these latest technologies will effectively improve product quality.
According to Meech sales director Adam Battrick introduced Meech is in full knowledge of the label and packaging industry faces challenges on the basis of research and development and introduction of these new technologies and solutions to precisely meet various customer needs customization. Close cooperation with customers will enable them to better understand the problems and provide more targeted solutions.
Michhi exhibited a full range of coil cleaning systems including CycleanTM and TakCleanTM . CycleanTM is a compact non-contact contamination removal system was extracted, the removal of particulate contaminants may be less than 1 micrometer, is suitable for high-speed printing presses, and printing almost all of the packaging substrate, comprising ink jet printing a web. TakCleanTM is a contact web cleaning system for label printing with specially configured TransTak elastic contact dust rolls and anti-stick rolls, ideal for narrow-web, low-speed label printers.
Hyperion series static elimination sticks include 971IPS , 929IPS and 924IPS . 971IPS and 929IPS provide long-range and medium-range ionization, respectively, with strong electrostatic control performance. The 924IPS is the most compact pulsed ionizer on the market. Hyperion series of these products brings industry-leading static elimination performance, can be quickly and easily installed on the paper processing line. Adam Battrick , Mickey’s sales director, said that his team of experts will provide customers with first-class after-sales and technical support services.
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