According to Xinhua News, most of the red wines on the market today are packed in cylindrical bottles and it is not convenient to send them by box. The British “Waicher Red Wine†launched a flat hard plastic red wine bottle that can be loaded into the carton, which is convenient for mailing and even more convenient on the shelf. It is about 5 cm taller than the current red wine bottle, and its thickness is only half that of the latter, but its capacity is also 750 ml. Joe Revell, who came up with this idea, said that he plans to raise crowdfunding for this type of bottle in February. If the crowdfunding is successful, the “waiter wine†company will be the first company in the UK to order red wine by ordering. The mailing business will begin in the spring. According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on the 11th, the company will purchase barreled wine from around the world, shipped to the United Kingdom and then packed into flat bottles. After becoming a member of the company, you can choose to receive your favorite red wine on a daily, weekly or bi-weekly basis. Hand Dryer,jet hand dryer,bathroom hand dryer,hand dryer for toilet TAISHAN YUEXIN INDUSTRIAL GROUP LIMITED ,
UK launch of flat hard plastic red wine bottle easier to post
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