PVC plastic bottles, compared with other plastic bottles, PVC plastic bottles in recent years, the market share is getting lower and lower, is an indisputable fact. Compared with plastic bottles of other materials, PVC plastic bottles have low packaging costs and have a relatively high market share for a period of time. The decline of PVC plastic bottles is inseparable from the following reasons. First of all, with the rise of PET plastic bottles, PET plastic bottles have gradually become the mainstream form of plastic bottle packaging market with many advantages. Secondly, PVC plastic bottles in the food, pharmaceutical packaging field due to the instability of its material, therefore, almost extinct in these markets, the market has been greatly affected. Finally, the recycling rate of PVC plastic bottles is not high, further reducing their market applications. Therefore, PVC plastic bottles do not have a large market demand in the foreseeable period of time. Shampoo And Conditioner,Magic Hair Dye Shampoo,Biotin Collagen Hair Conditioner,Keratin Leave In Conditioner Spray DELIN HAIR COSMETICS , https://www.hairstylingwaxfactory.com
Why PVC plastic bottles are not to be seen
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