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â— Ground the statically charged material;
â— Use anti-static coating/cleaning agent;
â— Ionize the air around the electrostatically charged material.
1. It is not practical to ground grounded materials because it is impossible to make the materials always come in contact with a grounded object, such as a metal printing station. When the printed material is separated from a grounded object, static electricity is generated. Therefore, this method makes sense when the printing machine is grounded only when the substrate has a surface humidity of 60% to 70% and conductivity.
Other grounded objects can also be used in a clean environment, such as conductive floor mats/pulleys, conductive mats, grounding pads on shoe soles, and the like.
2. The antistatic coating/cleaning agent is mainly applied to the charged image area, where the static charge generation is the main problem. Anti-static coating is a hydrocarbon solution, high volatility, containing low-valence metal ions, low particle content, no damage to the surface of polyethylene, stainless steel, PVC material or plastic film.
Although the effect of the antistatic coating is obvious, it is not practical because the coating is expensive, and the antistatic coating needs to be repeatedly coated at the graphic or equipment. Antistatic coatings reduce the surface friction of materials and allow charge to flow to the surface, reducing the ability of the material to generate static charges. Most antistatic coatings are non-corrosive and non-flammable.
3. Ionizing air molecules liberate the electrons of the oxygen molecules, resulting in negatively charged electrons and positively charged oxygen ions. If the material is positively charged, it can be neutralized by negatively charged electrons; conversely, if the material is negatively charged, it can be neutralized by positively charged oxygen ions.
Ionized air molecules are divided into three methods: power supply, no power supply, and nuclear neutralization. Nuclear Neutronization uses radioactive isotopes to emit particles that ionize air molecules. The particles are mainly short-wavelength alpha particles that are easily absorbed by oxygen molecules. The alpha particles collide with oxygen molecules, which separates the nuclei of the oxygen molecules from the electrons. A radioactive isotope emits tens of thousands of alpha particles per second. Each alpha particle produces thousands of ions in its short stroke, namely positively charged oxygen ions and a dense layer of electron clouds. The advantage of nuclear neutrality is that it does not require additional power and can be moved from one machine to another. It is ideal for use with flammable solvents.
Nuclear Neutralization and electrostatic charge make use of germanium. This method has the obvious inconvenience that the distance between the surface of the material and the neutralizer is between 1 and 1.5 in (inches).
A brush used in screen printing also uses the principle of nuclear neutralization. Mounting a bract on the hard surface of the brush not only reduces static charge, but also removes dust, hair and other particles.
Fourth, screen tension and printing speed
Screen tension and printing speed are two variables that are often overlooked.
The speed of the squeegee printing is reduced, and the electron cloud around the nucleus is in a relatively stable state, but even if the printing speed is slow and the squeegee pressure is too high, the electrons around the nucleus will be in an unstable state and the electrons will be under the pressure of the squeegee. It is liberated and generates static electricity. Therefore, static electricity generation can only be avoided if the speed of the squeegee is slow and the squeegee pressure is suitable.
Screen tension is regarded as a key factor for successful printing, reducing web spacing and squeegee pressure, which also avoids friction and thus reduces static electricity.
Electrostatic Control Methods Used by Printers
Nowadays, the basic and basic methods for controlling static electricity are mainly the following three: