North and South Inkjet Printer Tips


People will be dissatisfied with the soil and water, in fact, the printer will be "accepted by soil and water". Because of the weather, what do you notice about the use of inkjet printers in the South and North?

The northern climate is characterized by dryness and coldness, which causes the water to quickly evaporate. This can cause plugging and solidification in ink jet printers. It is absolutely deadly. Once the water in the ink on the sprayer evaporates, the ink will The colorant and additives will condense on the spray nozzle, thus blocking the nozzle. The light causes the lack of printing, lack of color, etc., and the heavy ink cartridges are dry and cannot be printed. Under such a climatic environment, it is generally not suitable to use ordinary inkjet printers. Some users who are located in particularly dry climates are not suitable to purchase inkjet printers because the result is more harm than good. It is recommended to purchase laser printing products. This will save a lot of trouble.

If users in the North use inkjet printers, how to prevent the cartridge from plugging? Then you must do the following:

First of all: Always turn on the printer, even if you do not use it, because it can use the cleaning procedure at the time of start-up to discharge the ink on the print head and the small particles that have slightly solidified, so as not to clog the print head. Once the nozzles are clogged, the nozzles need to be cleaned repeatedly. The wasted ink is much more than the ink used in the boot cleaning process. When the nozzles are heavy, the nozzles are completely blocked and damaged, and the replacement of the nozzles is quite costly.

In fact, in the cold and dry weather in winter, it is better to cover a large and thick cloth on the printer, especially to cover the paper inlet and the paper outlet, because the nozzle is in the printer. If it can ensure that cold air does not enter the printer's space, it can prevent the ink droplets on the print head from solidifying, otherwise, it will easily cause plugging, resulting in a decrease in print quality.

Finally, if the weather is particularly dry, add a humidifier to prevent the printer cartridge from drying out.

In wet weather in the south, printed documents or patterns tend to appear pale and blurred, and even stained. There are two main reasons for this situation. First, because the paper is exposed to moist air, it will absorb more water. Second, the ink used by the printer is not waterproof and moisture proof. In order to achieve the best print results, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, try to keep the paper dry. Paper is damp, and the most likely fault is paper jams, which can affect printing, and damage the machine. Therefore, it is very important to keep the paper dry during these wet and humid seasons in spring and summer. First of all, the paper should not be placed in the printer's open paper tray. Because the paper is exposed to air for a long time, it is easy to absorb moisture, especially in the rainy season, when the damp paper is baked in the machine and rolled, Shrink together, causing a jam. Therefore, in these wet areas in the south, the printing paper should not be placed in an open paper basket.

Second, when choosing an inkjet printer, try to select a printer that uses pigment ink. The ink used in current printers is mainly dye ink and pigment ink. The advantage of dye ink is that its coloring performance is relatively strong and the color performance is relatively good. However, due to the water-soluble characteristics of the dye ink, the water resistance and light resistance are achieved. Poor aspect. Therefore, dye printing inks are not a wise choice for office printing in wet areas in the south. In contrast, pigment inks have the characteristics of small particles and insolubility. Compared with dye inks, they have water resistance, colorfastness, and lightfastness characteristics, although their color performance is slightly inferior. For southern areas where the rainy season is particularly large, the use of pigmented inks can solve the problem of fuzzy and tainted printed documents. When purchasing an inkjet printer, it is best to use a pigment ink printer.

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