Plastic beverage bottles can affect reproduction?


Plastic bottled beverages are extremely popular, but the contained chemicals have once again attracted attention.

A recent US study found that people hold and drink frozen beverages in polycarbonate plastic bottles for seven days in a row. The content of “biphenol A” (BPA) in urine will increase by 67%. In the past, studies have indicated that "bisphenol A", a common raw material for plastic bottles, may cause reproductive system diseases (fertility problems) or cause cancer.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States conducted research on 77 students. The students involved in the study first used stainless steel vessels to drink beverages for a week to reduce exposure to "bisphenol A," followed by a week to use "bisphenol A. "One of the raw materials of polycarbonate plastic bottles contained beverages and found that their "urinary bisphenol A" content soared 67%.

The associate professor of the college also stated that if the plastic bottle is heated like a baby bottle and drinks in a plastic bottle for several days in a row, it is believed that the content of "bisphenol A" in the urine will be higher.

In the past, many studies only found that “bisphenol A” was released from plastic bottles. Researcher Jenny Carwile described this study as showing the relationship between plastic bottles and “biphenol A” content in the human body. According to the safety index set by the United States, up to 0.05 mg of “bisphenol A” per kilogram of body weight can be absorbed per day. For example, a 70 kg adult can absorb up to about 3.5 mg of “bisphenol A” per day.

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