Home Feng Shui small coup to create a lucky shop


Store feng shui, because the store belongs to the economic category, the factors affected are very wide, and there are also combined with personal numerology, in addition to international economic development trends, national policies, emergencies, SARS floods and so on. As soon as possible, Xiao Bian also carefully summarized the following eight points mentioned by the relevant experts, for reference by friends in the store business.

风水妙招打造招财旺铺 店铺取南向避东北(图)

1, take the prosperous and remote

In the towns, people flow to dense places is the bustling area.

According to Feng Shui, some people are angry. The more people get angry, the more prosperous they are.

风水妙招打造招财旺铺 店铺取南向避东北(图)

2, take the sluice and narrow

When Feng Shui chooses the site, he wants to open the front of the house and accept the anger of the eight parties. This is in line with the business and the four parties. According to this principle, when choosing the address of the store, you should also consider the openness in front of the store, and ask for no obstructions, such as fences, utility poles, billboards, and trees that are too large.

风水妙招打造招财旺铺 店铺取南向避东北(图)

3. Take the south to avoid the northeast

When Feng Shui chose the base of the Yangzhai, he sought to block the north and face the south. The purpose was to avoid the summer sun and the winter cold wind. The choice of business address also needs to consider avoiding the sun and cold wind. Then, the best is still to go south, that is, take the south.

风水妙招打造招财旺铺 店铺取南向避东北(图)

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