Microbial characteristics of pathogenic fungi


When they are parasitic in macrophages and reticulocytes, they are small, capsular spheroid cells with a diameter of 1-3 μm. In the old lesions, the bacteria are large, the cytoplasm is concentrated in the center of the bacteria, and a blank band appears between the cell wall and the cell wall.

When cultured at 22 ~ 25 ℃, filamentous colonies slowly formed on the medium, which began to be white and gradually turned brownish yellow. The mycelial branches are separated and 2.5 μm wide. Produce elliptical smooth or spiny small conidia, 2.5 ~ 3μm in diameter, and then produce round or elliptical large conidia, called spiny thick-walled large spores, 8 ~ 15μm in diameter, smooth and evenly spaced, like Raised like a finger is the characteristic form of this fungus.

When cultured in high humidity and high concentration of carbon dioxide at 37 ° C, moist, shiny, wrinkled, small yeast-like colonies can be formed on nutrient-rich blood culture medium; it grows in flocs in broth, Microscopic examination revealed hyphae and a few spores separated by branches. ? Microscopic examination, if the characteristic thick spores of spinous wall, can make a diagnosis.

Wound staining of peripheral blood and bone marrow touch or smears of living diseased tissues can also make a diagnosis if there are small, onion-cut oval spores in monocytes or polymorphonuclear cells. Inoculation of mice with diseased materials can cause morbidity and death, and the bacteria can be detected. The complement binding reaction is generally positive 2 to 3 weeks after the onset. The intradermal allergy test can be used for epidemiological investigation of dog infections. PCR and nucleic acid probe technology can also be used for identification.


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